paris_010.xml{"module":{"name":"Paris Relay controller","model":"B","version":"1.1.2","changed":"2020-05-15","description":"\n\t\tWith this VSCP module it is possible to control up to seven relays or similar devices. \n\t","infourl":"http:\/\/\/paris\/paris.html","buffersize":"8","manufacturer":{"name":"Paradise of the Frog AB","address":{"street":"Brattbergav\u00e4gen 17","city":"Los","postcode":"82770","country":"Sweden"},"telephone":{"number":"+46 8 40011835 ","description":"Main Reception"},"email":[{"address":"","description":"Support email"},{"address":"","description":"Sales inquires email"},{"address":"","description":"General email"}],"web":{"address":"http:\/\/","description":"Main web site"}},"comment":[{},{},{},{}],"picture":{"@attributes":{"path":"http:\/\/\/image\/cache\/data\/grodan\/paris\/paris1-500x500.jpg"},"description":"\n\t\t\t\tPicture of Paris relay module.\n\t\t"},"files":{"firmware":[{"@attributes":{"target":"pic18f2580","path":"https:\/\/\/grodansparadis\/can4vscp_paris\/releases\/download\/v1.1.6\/paris_relay_pic18f2580_1_1_6_relocated.hex","format":"intelhex8","date":"2020-05-15","version_major":"1","version_minor":"1","version_subminor":"6"},"description":"\n\t\t\tFirmware for the CAN4VSCP Paris relay module with PIC18f2580 processor.\n\t\t"},{"@attributes":{"target":"pic18f26K80","path":"https:\/\/\/grodansparadis\/can4vscp_paris\/releases\/download\/v1.1.6\/paris_relay_pic18f26k80_1_1_6_relocated.hex","format":"intelhex8","date":"2020-05-15","version_major":"1","version_minor":"1","version_subminor":"6"},"description":"\n\t\t\tFirmware for the CAN4VSCP Paris relay module with PIC18f26K80 processor.\n\t\t"},{"@attributes":{"target":"pic18f2580","path":"https:\/\/\/grodansparadis\/can4vscp_paris\/releases\/download\/v1.1.2\/paris_relay_1_1_2.hex","format":"intelhex8","date":"2015-11-12","version_major":"1","version_minor":"1","version_subminor":"2"},"description":"\n\t\t\tFirmware for the CAN4VSCP Paris relay module with PIC18f2580 processor.\n\t\t"},{"@attributes":{"target":"pic18f2580","path":"https:\/\/\/grodansparadis\/can4vscp_paris\/releases\/download\/v1.1.1\/paris_relay_1_1_1.hex","format":"intelhex8","date":"2015-09-13","version_major":"1","version_minor":"1","version_subminor":"1"},"description":"\n\t\t\tFirmware for the CAN4VSCP Paris relay module with PIC18f2580 processo.\n\t\t"},{"@attributes":{"target":"pic18f2580","path":"https:\/\/\/grodansparadis\/can4vscp_paris\/releases\/download\/v1.1.0\/paris_relay_1_1_0.hex","format":"intelhex8","date":"2015-03-20","version_major":"1","version_minor":"1","version_subminor":"0"},"description":"\n\t\t\tFirmware for the CAN4VSCP Paris relay module with PIC18f2580 processo.\n\t\t"},{"@attributes":{"target":"pic18f2580","path":"http:\/\/\/kelvin\/firmware_paris_1_0_0.hex","format":"intelhex8","size":"32000","date":"2012-01-01","version_major":"1","version_minor":"0","version_subminor":"0"},"description":"\n\t\t\tFirmware version 1.0.0 for the Paris relay module with PIC18f2580 processo.\n\t\t"}]},"manual":{"@attributes":{"path":"http:\/\/\/paris\/manual","lang":"en","format":"pdf"},"description":"Full manual for the Paris module."},"boot":{"algorithm":"1","blocksize":"8","blockcount":"4096"},"registers":{"reg":[{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"0","bgcolor":"0xfff3d4"},"name":"Zone","description":"Zone this module belongs to","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"1","bgcolor":"0xfff3d4"},"name":"Subzone","description":"Subzone this module belongs to","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"2","bgcolor":"0xE5FFCC"},"name":"Relay 0 status register","description":"\n Writing a value to the relay control register will activate\/deactivate the relay \n output.\\n \n 0 - The relay is inactivated.\\n\n 1 - The relay is activated.\\n\n Reading a value from the relay control register is read as a one if the relay is \n activated and a 0 if the relay is deactivated.\\n\n When the pulse activation\/deactivating is used the actual relay state is read.\\n\n \t","access":"rw","valuelist":{"item":[{"@attributes":{"value":"0x0"},"name":"Off","description":"\n \t\tThe relay channel 0 is in its off state or if written set in is off state.\n \t\t"},{"@attributes":{"value":"0x1"},"name":"On","description":"\n \t\tThe relay channel 0 is in its on state or if written set in is on state.\n \t\t"}]}},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"3","bgcolor":"0xE5FFCC"},"name":"Relay 1 status register","description":"\n Writing a value to the relay control register will activate\/deactivate the relay output.\\n \n 0 - The relay is inactivated.\\n\n 1 - The relay is activated.\\n\n Reading a value from the relay control register is read as a one if the relay is \n activated and a 0 if the relay is deactivated.\\n\n When the pulse activation\/deactivating is used the actual relay state is read.\\n\n \t","access":"rw","valuelist":{"item":[{"@attributes":{"value":"0x0"},"name":"Off","description":"\n \t\tThe relay channel 2 is in its off state or if written set in is off state.\n \t\t"},{"@attributes":{"value":"0x1"},"name":"On","description":"\n \t\tThe relay channel 2 is in its on state or if written set in is on state.\n \t\t"}]}},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"4","bgcolor":"0xE5FFCC"},"name":"Relay 2 status register","description":"\n Writing a value to the relay control register will activate\/deactivate the relay output.\\n \n 0 - The relay is inactivated.\\n\n 1 - The relay is activated.\\n\n Reading a value from the relay control register is read as a one if the relay is \n activated and a 0 if the relay is deactivated.\\n\n When the pulse activation\/deactivating is used the actual relay state is read.\\n\n \t","access":"rw","valuelist":{"item":[{"@attributes":{"value":"0x0"},"name":"Off","description":"\n \t\tThe relay channel 3 is in its off state or if written set in is off state.\n \t\t"},{"@attributes":{"value":"0x1"},"name":"On","description":"\n \t\tThe relay channel 3 is in its on state or if written set in is on state.\n \t\t"},{"@attributes":{"value":"0x2"},"name":"Pulse","description":"\n \t\tThe relay channel 3 is in its pulsing state or if written set in is pulsing state.\n \t\t"}]}},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"5","bgcolor":"0xE5FFCC"},"name":"Relay 3 status register","description":"\n Writing a value to the relay control register will activate\/deactivate the relay output.\\n \n 0 - The relay is inactivated.\\n\n 1 - The relay is activated.\\n\n Reading a value from the relay control register is read as a one if the relay is \n activated and a 0 if the relay is deactivated.\\n\n When the pulse activation\/deactivating is used the actual relay state is read.\\n\n \t","access":"rw","valuelist":{"item":[{"@attributes":{"value":"0x0"},"name":"Off","description":"\n \t\tThe relay channel 4 is in its off state or if written set in is off state.\n \t\t"},{"@attributes":{"value":"0x1"},"name":"On","description":"\n \t\tThe relay channel 4 is in its on state or if written set in is on state.\n \t\t"},{"@attributes":{"value":"0x2"},"name":"Pulse","description":"\n \t\tThe relay channel 4 is in its pulsing state or if written set in is pulsing state.\n \t\t"}]}},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"6","bgcolor":"0xE5FFCC"},"name":"Relay 4 status register","description":"\n Writing a value to the relay control register will activate\/deactivate the relay output.\\n \n 0 - The relay is inactivated.\\n\n 1 - The relay is activated.\\n\n Reading a value from the relay control register is read as a one if the relay is \n activated and a 0 if the relay is deactivated.\\n\n When the pulse activation\/deactivating is used the actual relay state is read.\\n\n \t","access":"rw","valuelist":{"item":[{"@attributes":{"value":"0x0"},"name":"Off","description":"\n \t\tThe relay channel 5 is in its off state or if written set in is off state.\n \t\t"},{"@attributes":{"value":"0x1"},"name":"On","description":"\n \t\tThe relay channel 5 is in its on state or if written set in is on state.\n \t\t"},{"@attributes":{"value":"0x2"},"name":"Pulse","description":"\n \t\tThe relay channel 5 is in its pulsing state or if written set in is pulsing state.\n \t\t"}]}},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"7","bgcolor":"0xE5FFCC"},"name":"Relay 5 status register","description":"\n Writing a value to the relay control register will activate\/deactivate the relay output.\\n \n 0 - The relay is inactivated.\\n\n 1 - The relay is activated.\\n\n Reading a value from the relay control register is read as a one if the relay is \n activated and a 0 if the relay is deactivated.\\n\n When the pulse activation\/deactivating is used the actual relay state is read.\\n\n \t","access":"rw","valuelist":{"item":[{"@attributes":{"value":"0x0"},"name":"Off","description":"\n \t\tThe relay channel 6 is in its off state or if written set in is off state.\n \t\t"},{"@attributes":{"value":"0x1"},"name":"On","description":"\n \t\tThe relay channel 6 is in its on state or if written set in is on state.\n \t\t"},{"@attributes":{"value":"0x2"},"name":"Pulse","description":"\n \t\tThe relay channel 6 is in its pulsing state or if written set in is pulsing state.\n \t\t"}]}},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"8","bgcolor":"0xE5FFCC"},"name":"Relay 6 status register","description":"\n Writing a value to the relay control register will activate\/deactivate the relay output.\\n \n 0 - The relay is inactivated.\\n\n 1 - The relay is activated.\\n\n Reading a value from the relay control register is read as a one if the relay is \n activated and a 0 if the relay is deactivated.\\n\n When the pulse activation\/deactivating is used the actual relay state is read.\\n\n When the pulse activation\/deactivating is used the actual relay state is read.\\n\n \t","access":"rw","valuelist":{"item":[{"@attributes":{"value":"0x0"},"name":"Off","description":"\n \t\tThe relay channel 7 is in its off state or if written set in is off state.\n \t\t"},{"@attributes":{"value":"0x1"},"name":"On","description":"\n \t\tThe relay channel 7 is in its on state or if written set in is on state.\n \t\t"},{"@attributes":{"value":"0x2"},"name":"Pulse","description":"\n \t\tThe relay channel 7 is in its pulsing state or if written set in is pulsing state.\n \t\t"}]}},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"10","bgcolor":"0xFFFFCC"},"name":"Relay 0 control register","description":"\n The relay control bits enable\/disable intelligent relay functionality:\\n\n Bit 0 - Enable pulse.\\n\n Bit 1 - If set: Alarm sent when protection timer triggers.\\n\n Bit 2 - Protection timer enable.\\n\n Bit 3 - Send On event when relay goes to active state.\\n\n Bit 4 - Send Off event when relay goes to inactive state.\\n\n Bit 5 - Send Started event when relay goes to active state.\\n\n Bit 6 - Send Stopped event when relay goes to active state.\\n\n Bit 7 - If set to one the relay is enabled.\\n\n\t\t\t","access":"rw","bit":[{"@attributes":{"pos":"0","default":"false"},"name":"Reserved","description":"This bit is reserved"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"1","default":"false"},"name":"Protection alarm","description":"If set: Alarm sent when protection timer triggers."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"2","default":"false"},"name":"Protection timer enable","description":"\n \t If set: Protection timer is enabled and will deactivate relay channel when the timer times out.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"3","default":"false"},"name":"On event on activate enable","description":"\n \t If set: An on event will be sent when the relay is turned on.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"4","default":"false"},"name":"Off event on deactivate enable","description":"\n \t If set: An off event will be sent when the relay is turned off.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"5","default":"false"},"name":"Started event on activate enable","description":"\n \t If set: A started event will be sent when the relay is turned on.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"6","default":"false"},"name":"Stopped event on deactivate enable","description":"\n \t If set: A stopped event will be sent when the relay is turned off.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"7","default":"false"},"name":"Enable relay","description":"\n \t Set this bit to make the relay controlable.\n \t "}]},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"11","bgcolor":"0xFFFFCC"},"name":"Relay 1 control register","description":"\n The relay control bits enable\/disable intelligent relay functionality:\\n\n Bit 0 - Enable pulse.\\n\n Bit 1 - If set: Alarm sent when protection timer triggers.\\n\n Bit 2 - Protection timer enable.\\n\n Bit 3 - Send On event when relay goes to active state.\\n\n Bit 4 - Send Off event when relay goes to inactive state.\\n\n Bit 5 - Send Started event when relay goes to active state.\\n\n Bit 6 - Send Stopped event when relay goes to active state.\\n\n Bit 7 - If set to one the relay is enabled.\\n\n\t\t\t","access":"rw","bit":[{"@attributes":{"pos":"0","default":"false"},"name":"Reserved","description":"This bit is reserved"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"1","default":"false"},"name":"Protection alarm","description":"If set: Alarm sent when protection timer triggers."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"2","default":"false"},"name":"Protection timer enable","description":"\n \t If set: Protection timer is enabled and will deactivate relay channel when the timer times out.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"3","default":"false"},"name":"On event on activate enable","description":"\n \t If set: An on event will be sent when the relay is turned on.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"4","default":"false"},"name":"Off event on deactivate enable","description":"\n \t If set: An off event will be sent when the relay is turned off.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"5","default":"false"},"name":"Started event on activate enable","description":"\n \t If set: A started event will be sent when the relay is turned on.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"6","default":"false"},"name":"Stopped event on deactivate enable","description":"\n \t If set: A stopped event will be sent when the relay is turned off.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"7","default":"false"},"name":"Enable relay","description":"\n \t Set this bit to make the relay controlable.\n \t "}]},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"12","bgcolor":"0xFFFFCC"},"name":"Relay 2 control register","description":"\n The relay control bits enable\/disable intelligent relay functionality:\\n\n Bit 0 - Enable pulse.\\n\n Bit 1 - If set: Alarm sent when protection timer triggers.\\n\n Bit 2 - Protection timer enable.\\n\n Bit 3 - Send On event when relay goes to active state.\\n\n Bit 4 - Send Off event when relay goes to inactive state.\\n\n Bit 5 - Send Started event when relay goes to active state.\\n\n Bit 6 - Send Stopped event when relay goes to active state.\\n\n Bit 7 - If set to one the relay is enabled.\\n\n\t\t\t","access":"rw","bit":[{"@attributes":{"pos":"0","default":"false"},"name":"Reserved","description":"This bit is reserved"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"1","default":"false"},"name":"Protection alarm","description":"If set: Alarm sent when protection timer triggers."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"2","default":"false"},"name":"Protection timer enable","description":"\n \t If set: Protection timer is enabled and will deactivate relay channel when the timer times out.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"3","default":"false"},"name":"On event on activate enable","description":"\n \t If set: An on event will be sent when the relay is turned on.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"4","default":"false"},"name":"Off event on deactivate enable","description":"\n \t If set: An off event will be sent when the relay is turned off.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"5","default":"false"},"name":"Started event on activate enable","description":"\n \t If set: A started event will be sent when the relay is turned on.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"6","default":"false"},"name":"Stopped event on deactivate enable","description":"\n \t If set: A stopped event will be sent when the relay is turned off.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"7","default":"false"},"name":"Enable relay","description":"\n \t Set this bit to make the relay controlable.\n \t "}]},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"13","bgcolor":"0xFFFFCC"},"name":"Relay 3 control register","description":"\n The relay control bits enable\/disable intelligent relay functionality:\\n\n Bit 0 - Enable pulse.\\n\n Bit 1 - If set: Alarm sent when protection timer triggers.\\n\n Bit 2 - Protection timer enable.\\n\n Bit 3 - Send On event when relay goes to active state.\\n\n Bit 4 - Send Off event when relay goes to inactive state.\\n\n Bit 5 - Send Started event when relay goes to active state.\\n\n Bit 6 - Send Stopped event when relay goes to active state.\\n\n Bit 7 - If set to one the relay is enabled.\\n\n\t\t\t","access":"rw","bit":[{"@attributes":{"pos":"0","default":"false"},"name":"Reserved","description":"This bit is reserved"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"1","default":"false"},"name":"Protection alarm","description":"If set: Alarm sent when protection timer triggers."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"2","default":"false"},"name":"Protection timer enable","description":"\n \t If set: Protection timer is enabled and will deactivate relay channel when the timer times out.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"3","default":"false"},"name":"On event on activate enable","description":"\n \t If set: An on event will be sent when the relay is turned on.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"4","default":"false"},"name":"Off event on deactivate enable","description":"\n \t If set: An off event will be sent when the relay is turned off.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"5","default":"false"},"name":"Started event on activate enable","description":"\n \t If set: A started event will be sent when the relay is turned on.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"6","default":"false"},"name":"Stopped event on deactivate enable","description":"\n \t If set: A stopped event will be sent when the relay is turned off.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"7","default":"false"},"name":"Enable relay","description":"\n \t Set this bit to make the relay controlable.\n \t "}]},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"14","bgcolor":"0xFFFFCC"},"name":"Relay 4 control register","description":"\n The relay control bits enable\/disable intelligent relay functionality:\\n\n Bit 0 - Enable pulse.\\n\n Bit 1 - If set: Alarm sent when protection timer triggers.\\n\n Bit 2 - Protection timer enable.\\n\n Bit 3 - Send On event when relay goes to active state.\\n\n Bit 4 - Send Off event when relay goes to inactive state.\\n\n Bit 5 - Send Started event when relay goes to active state.\\n\n Bit 6 - Send Stopped event when relay goes to active state.\\n\n Bit 7 - If set to one the relay is enabled.\\n\n\t\t\t","access":"rw","bit":[{"@attributes":{"pos":"0","default":"false"},"name":"Reserved","description":"This bit is reserved"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"1","default":"false"},"name":"Protection alarm","description":"If set: Alarm sent when protection timer triggers."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"2","default":"false"},"name":"Protection timer enable","description":"\n If set: Protection timer is enabled and will deactivate relay channel when the timer times out.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"3","default":"false"},"name":"On event on activate enable","description":"\n If set: An on event will be sent when the relay is turned on.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"4","default":"false"},"name":"Off event on deactivate enable","description":"\n If set: An off event will be sent when the relay is turned off.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"5","default":"false"},"name":"Started event on activate enable","description":"\n If set: A started event will be sent when the relay is turned on.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"6","default":"false"},"name":"Stopped event on deactivate enable","description":"\n If set: A stopped event will be sent when the relay is turned off.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"7","default":"false"},"name":"Enable relay","description":"\n Set this bit to make the relay controlable.\n \t "}]},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"15","bgcolor":"0xFFFFCC"},"name":"Relay 5 control register","description":"\n The relay control bits enable\/disable intelligent relay functionality:\\n\n Bit 0 - Enable pulse.\\n\n Bit 1 - If set: Alarm sent when protection timer triggers.\\n\n Bit 2 - Protection timer enable.\\n\n Bit 3 - Send On event when relay goes to active state.\\n\n Bit 4 - Send Off event when relay goes to inactive state.\\n\n Bit 5 - Send Started event when relay goes to active state.\\n\n Bit 6 - Send Stopped event when relay goes to active state.\\n\n Bit 7 - If set to one the relay is enabled.\\n\n\t\t\t","access":"rw","bit":[{"@attributes":{"pos":"0","default":"false"},"name":"Reserved","description":"This bit is reserved"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"1","default":"false"},"name":"Protection alarm","description":"If set: Alarm sent when protection timer triggers."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"2","default":"false"},"name":"Protection timer enable","description":"\n \t If set: Protection timer is enabled and will deactivate relay channel when the timer times out.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"3","default":"false"},"name":"On event on activate enable","description":"\n \t If set: An on event will be sent when the relay is turned on.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"4","default":"false"},"name":"Off event on deactivate enable","description":"\n \t If set: An off event will be sent when the relay is turned off.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"5","default":"false"},"name":"Started event on activate enable","description":"\n \t If set: A started event will be sent when the relay is turned on.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"6","default":"false"},"name":"Stopped event on deactivate enable","description":"\n \t If set: A stopped event will be sent when the relay is turned off.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"7","default":"false"},"name":"Enable relay","description":"\n \t Set this bit to make the relay controlable.\n \t "}]},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"16","bgcolor":"0xFFFFCC"},"name":"Relay 6 control register","description":"\n The relay control bits enable\/disable intelligent relay functionality:\\n\n Bit 0 - Enable pulse.\\n\n Bit 1 - If set: Alarm sent when protection timer triggers.\\n\n Bit 2 - Protection timer enable.\\n\n Bit 3 - Send On event when relay goes to active state.\\n\n Bit 4 - Send Off event when relay goes to inactive state.\\n\n Bit 5 - Send Started event when relay goes to active state.\\n\n Bit 6 - Send Stopped event when relay goes to active state.\\n\n Bit 7 - If set to one the relay is enabled.\\n\n\t\t\t","access":"rw","bit":[{"@attributes":{"pos":"0","default":"false"},"name":"Reserved","description":"This bit is reserved"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"1","default":"false"},"name":"Protection alarm","description":"If set: Alarm sent when protection timer triggers."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"2","default":"false"},"name":"Protection timer enable","description":"\n \t If set: Protection timer is enabled and will deactivate relay channel when the timer times out.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"3","default":"false"},"name":"On event on activate enable","description":"\n \t If set: An on event will be sent when the relay is turned on.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"4","default":"false"},"name":"Off event on deactivate enable","description":"\n \t If set: An off event will be sent when the relay is turned off.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"5","default":"false"},"name":"Started event on activate enable","description":"\n \t If set: A started event will be sent when the relay is turned on.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"6","default":"false"},"name":"Stopped event on deactivate enable","description":"\n \t If set: A stopped event will be sent when the relay is turned off.\n \t "},{"@attributes":{"pos":"7","default":"false"},"name":"Enable relay","description":"\n \t Set this bit to make the relay controlable.\n \t "}]},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"18","bgcolor":"0xCCFFFF"},"name":"Relay pulse time register for relay 0 MSB","description":"\n This is the pulse time for the each relay expressed in seconds. This can be used to have a relay turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero (default) for no pulse time i.e. the relay will be steady on\/off.\\n\n To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then write 2 to the relay status register to start the output. The pulse train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the relay status register.\\n \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"19","bgcolor":"0xCCFFFF"},"name":"Relay pulse time register for relay 0 LSB","description":"\n This is the pulse time for the each relay expressed in seconds. This can be used to have a relay turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero (default) for no pulse time i.e. the relay will be steady on\/off.\\n\n To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then write 2 to the relay status register to start the output. The pulse train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the relay status register.\\n \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"20","bgcolor":"0xCCFFFF"},"name":"Relay pulse time register for relay 1 MSB","description":"\n This is the pulse time for the each relay expressed in seconds. This can be used to have a relay turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero (default) for no pulse time i.e. the relay will be steady on\/off.\\n\n To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then write 2 to the relay status register to start the output. The pulse train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the relay status register.\\n \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"21","bgcolor":"0xCCFFFF"},"name":"Relay pulse time register for relay 1 LSB","description":"\n This is the pulse time for the each relay expressed in seconds. This can be used to have a relay turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero (default) for no pulse time i.e. the relay will be steady on\/off.\\n\n To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then write 2 to the relay status register to start the output. The pulse train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the relay status register.\\n \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"22","bgcolor":"0xCCFFFF"},"name":"Relay pulse time register for relay 2 MSB","description":"\n This is the pulse time for the each relay expressed in seconds. This can be used to have a relay turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero (default) for no pulse time i.e. the relay will be steady on\/off.\\n\n To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then write 2 to the relay status register to start the output. The pulse train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the relay status register.\\n \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"23","bgcolor":"0xCCFFFF"},"name":"Relay pulse time register for relay 2 LSB","description":"\n This is the pulse time for the each relay expressed in seconds. This can be used to have a relay turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero (default) for no pulse time i.e. the relay will be steady on\/off.\\n\n To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then write 2 to the relay status register to start the output. The pulse train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the relay status register.\\n \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"24","bgcolor":"0xCCFFFF"},"name":"Relay pulse time register for relay 3 MSB","description":"\n This is the pulse time for the each relay expressed in seconds. This can be used to have a relay turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero (default) for no pulse time i.e. the relay will be steady on\/off.\\n\n To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then write 2 to the relay status register to start the output. The pulse train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the relay status register.\\n \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"25","bgcolor":"0xCCFFFF"},"name":"Relay pulse time register for relay 3 LSB","description":"\n This is the pulse time for the each relay expressed in seconds. This can be used to have a relay turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero (default) for no pulse time i.e. the relay will be steady on\/off.\\n\n To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then write 2 to the relay status register to start the output. The pulse train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the relay status register.\\n \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"26","bgcolor":"0xCCFFFF"},"name":"Relay pulse time register for relay 4 MSB","description":"\n This is the pulse time for the each relay expressed in seconds. This can be used to have a relay turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero (default) for no pulse time i.e. the relay will be steady on\/off.\\n\n To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then write 2 to the relay status register to start the output. The pulse train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the relay status register.\\n \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"27","bgcolor":"0xCCFFFF"},"name":"Relay pulse time register for relay 4 LSB","description":"\n This is the pulse time for the each relay expressed in seconds. This can be used to have a relay turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero (default) for no pulse time i.e. the relay will be steady on\/off.\\n\n To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then write 2 to the relay status register to start the output. The pulse train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the relay status register.\\n \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"28","bgcolor":"0xCCFFFF"},"name":"Relay pulse time register for relay 5 MSB","description":"\n This is the pulse time for the each relay expressed in seconds. This can be used to have a relay turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero (default) for no pulse time i.e. the relay will be steady on\/off.\\n\n To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then write 2 to the relay status register to start the output. The pulse train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the relay status register.\\n \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"29","bgcolor":"0xCCFFFF"},"name":"Relay pulse time register for relay 5 LSB","description":"\n This is the pulse time for the each relay expressed in seconds. This can be used to have a relay turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero (default) for no pulse time i.e. the relay will be steady on\/off.\\n\n To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then write 2 to the relay status register to start the output. The pulse train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the relay status register.\\n \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"30","bgcolor":"0xCCFFFF"},"name":"Relay pulse time register for relay 6 MSB","description":"\n This is the pulse time for the each relay expressed in seconds. This can be used to have a relay turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero (default) for no pulse time i.e. the relay will be steady on\/off.\\n\n To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then write 2 to the relay status register to start the output. The pulse train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the relay status register.\\n \n ","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"31","bgcolor":"0xCCFFFF"},"name":"Relay pulse time register for relay 6 LSB","description":"\n This is the pulse time for the each relay expressed in seconds. This can be used to have a relay turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero (default) for no pulse time i.e. the relay will be steady on\/off.\\n\n To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then write 2 to the relay status register to start the output. The pulse train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the relay status register.\\n \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"32","bgcolor":"0xCCFFFF"},"name":"Relay pulse time register for relay 7 MSB","description":"\n This is the pulse time for the each relay expressed in seconds. This can be used to have a relay turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero (default) for no pulse time i.e. the relay will be steady on\/off.\\n\n To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then write 2 to the relay status register to start the output. The pulse train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the relay status register.\\n \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"33","bgcolor":"0xCCFFFF"},"name":"Relay pulse time register for relay 7 LSB","description":"\n This is the pulse time for the each relay expressed in seconds. This can be used to have a relay turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero (default) for no pulse time i.e. the relay will be steady on\/off.\\n\n To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then write 2 to the relay status register to start the output. The pulse train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the relay status register.\\n \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"34","bgcolor":"0xCCCCFF"},"name":"Relay protection time register for relay 0 MSB","description":"\n This is the relay protection time. A relay will be inactivated if not written to before this time has elapsed.\\n\n Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours.\\n\n The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed to deactivate the relay. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"35","bgcolor":"0xCCCCFF"},"name":"Relay protection time register for relay 0 LSB","description":"\n This is the relay protection time. A relay will be inactivated if not written to before this time has elapsed.\\n\n Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours.\\n\n The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed to deactivate the relay. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"36","bgcolor":"0xCCCCFF"},"name":"Relay protection time register for relay 1 MSB","description":"\n This is the relay protection time. A relay will be inactivated if not written to before this time has elapsed.\\n\n Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours.\\n\n The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed to deactivate the relay. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"37","bgcolor":"0xCCCCFF"},"name":"Relay protection time register for relay 1 LSB","description":"\n This is the relay protection time. A relay will be inactivated if not written to before this time has elapsed.\\n\n Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours.\\n\n The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed to deactivate the relay. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"38","bgcolor":"0xCCCCFF"},"name":"Relay protection time register for relay 2 MSB","description":"\n This is the relay protection time. A relay will be inactivated if not written to before this time has elapsed.\\n\n Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours.\\n\n The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed to deactivate the relay. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"39","bgcolor":"0xCCCCFF"},"name":"Relay protection time register for relay 2 LSB","description":"\n This is the relay protection time. A relay will be inactivated if not written to before this time has elapsed.\\n\n Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours.\\n\n The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed to deactivate the relay. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"40","bgcolor":"0xCCCCFF"},"name":"Relay protection time register for relay 3 MSB","description":"\n This is the relay protection time. A relay will be inactivated if not written to before this time has elapsed.\\n\n Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours.\\n\n The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed to deactivate the relay. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"41","bgcolor":"0xCCCCFF"},"name":"Relay protection time register for relay 3 LSB","description":"\n This is the relay protection time. A relay will be inactivated if not written to before this time has elapsed.\\n\n Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours.\\n\n The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed to deactivate the relay. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"42","bgcolor":"0xCCCCFF"},"name":"Relay protection time register for relay 4 MSB","description":"\n This is the relay protection time. A relay will be inactivated if not written to before this time has elapsed.\\n\n Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours.\\n\n The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed to deactivate the relay. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"43","bgcolor":"0xCCCCFF"},"name":"Relay protection time register for relay 4 LSB","description":"\n This is the relay protection time. A relay will be inactivated if not written to before this time has elapsed.\\n\n Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours.\\n\n The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed to deactivate the relay. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"44","bgcolor":"0xCCCCFF"},"name":"Relay protection time register for relay 5 MSB","description":"\n This is the relay protection time. A relay will be inactivated if not written to before this time has elapsed.\\n\n Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours.\\n\n The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed to deactivate the relay. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"45","bgcolor":"0xCCCCFF"},"name":"Relay protection time register for relay 5 LSB","description":"\n This is the relay protection time. A relay will be inactivated if not written to before this time has elapsed.\\n\n Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours.\\n\n The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed to deactivate the relay. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"46","bgcolor":"0xCCCCFF"},"name":"Relay protection time register for relay 6 MSB","description":"\n This is the relay protection time. A relay will be inactivated if not written to before this time has elapsed.\\n\n Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours.\\n\n The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed to deactivate the relay. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"47","bgcolor":"0xCCCCFF"},"name":"Relay protection time register for relay 6 LSB","description":"\n This is the relay protection time. A relay will be inactivated if not written to before this time has elapsed.\\n\n Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours.\\n\n The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed to deactivate the relay. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"48","bgcolor":"0xCCCCFF"},"name":"Relay protection time register for relay 7 MSB","description":"\n This is the relay protection time. A relay will be inactivated if not written to before this time has elapsed.\\n\n Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours.\\n\n The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed to deactivate the relay. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"49","bgcolor":"0xCCCCFF"},"name":"Relay protection time register for relay 7 LSB","description":"\n This is the relay protection time. A relay will be inactivated if not written to before this time has elapsed.\\n\n Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours.\\n\n The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed to deactivate the relay. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"50","bgcolor":"0xfff3d4"},"name":"Zone for relay 0","description":"\n\t\t\tThis is a zone related to this specific relay. If zero the the module Zone\/subzone will be used else the modules zone and the relays sub zone will be used. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"51","bgcolor":"0xfff3d4"},"name":"Subzone for relay 0","description":"\n\t\t\tThis is a subzone related to this specific relay. If zero the the module Zone\/subzone will be used else the modules zone and the relays sub zone will be used. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"52","bgcolor":"0xfff3d4"},"name":"Zone for relay 1","description":"\n\t\t\tThis is a zone related to this specific relay. If zero the the module Zone\/subzone will be used else the modules zone and the relays sub zone will be used. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"53","bgcolor":"0xfff3d4"},"name":"Subzone for relay 1","description":"\n\t\t\tThis is a subzone related to this specific relay. If zero the the module Zone\/subzone will be used else the modules zone and the relays sub zone will be used. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"54","bgcolor":"0xfff3d4"},"name":"Zone for relay 2","description":"\n\t\t\tThis is a zone related to this specific relay. If zero the the module Zone\/subzone will be used else the modules zone and the relays sub zone will be used. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"55","bgcolor":"0xfff3d4"},"name":"Subzone for relay 2","description":"\n\t\t\tThis is a subzone related to this specific relay. If zero the the module Zone\/subzone will be used else the modules zone and the relays sub zone will be used. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"56","bgcolor":"0xfff3d4"},"name":"Zone for relay 3","description":"\n\t\t\tThis is a zone related to this specific relay. If zero the the module Zone\/subzone will be used else the modules zone and the relays sub zone will be used. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"57","bgcolor":"0xfff3d4"},"name":"Subzone for relay 3","description":"\n\t\t\tThis is a subzone related to this specific relay. If zero the the module Zone\/subzone will be used else the modules zone and the relays sub zone will be used. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"58","bgcolor":"0xfff3d4"},"name":"Zone for relay 4","description":"\n\t\t\tThis is a zone related to this specific relay. If zero the the module Zone\/subzone will be used else the modules zone and the relays sub zone will be used. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"59","bgcolor":"0xfff3d4"},"name":"Subzone for relay 4","description":"\n\t\t\tThis is a subzone related to this specific relay. If zero the the module Zone\/subzone will be used else the modules zone and the relays sub zone will be used. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"60","bgcolor":"0xfff3d4"},"name":"Zone for relay 5","description":"\n\t\t\tThis is a zone related to this specific relay. If zero the the module Zone\/subzone will be used else the modules zone and the relays sub zone will be used. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"61","bgcolor":"0xfff3d4"},"name":"Subzone for relay 5","description":"\n\t\t\tThis is a subzone related to this specific relay. If zero the the module Zone\/subzone will be used else the modules zone and the relays sub zone will be used. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"62","bgcolor":"0xfff3d4"},"name":"Zone for relay 6","description":"\n\t\t\tThis is a zone related to this specific relay. If zero the the module Zone\/subzone will be used else the modules zone and the relays sub zone will be used. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"63","bgcolor":"0xfff3d4"},"name":"Subzone for relay 6","description":"\n\t\t\tThis is a subzone related to this specific relay. If zero the the module Zone\/subzone will be used else the modules zone and the relays sub zone will be used. \n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"72","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 1: Oaddr ","description":"\n Row 1 of decision matrix. Originating address. Set to nickname for node that should trigger action. \n Oaddr is the originating address. We are only interested in messages from the node given here. 0x00 is segment controller and 0xff is a node without a nickname. If bit 6 of flags is set oaddr will not be checked and events from all nodes will be accepted. \t\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"73","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 1: flags ","description":"\n Row 1 of decision matrix. Flags. Set selection behaviour.\\n\n The enable bit can be used to disable a decion matrix row while it is edited.\\n\n The zone and use subzone bits can be activated to have a check on the zone\/subzone information of an event. That is the zone\/subzone of the machine must match the one of the event to trigger the DM row.\\n \n\t\t\t","access":"rw","bit":[{"@attributes":{"pos":"0","default":"0"},"name":"Class filter bit 8","description":"Defines the ninth bit of the class filter."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"1","default":"0"},"name":"Class mask bit 8","description":"Defines the ninth bit of the class mask."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"2","default":"false"},"name":"Reserved bit","description":"This bit is not used."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"3","default":"false"},"name":"Subzone match","description":"If set to one subzone should be matched to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"4","default":"false"},"name":"Zone match","description":"If set to one zone should be matched to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"5","default":"false"},"name":"Hardcoded","description":"If set to one the originating address should be hardcoded to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"6","default":"false"},"name":"Check Originating address","description":"If set to one the originating address should be checked and match to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"7","default":"false"},"name":"Enable","description":"Enable (1) or disable (0)the decison matrix row."}]},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"74","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 1: Class mask (low eight bits) ","description":"\n The lowest eight bits of the class mask that defines the events that should trigger the action of thsi decision matrix row.\\n\n Bit 8 of the class mask is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. \t\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"75","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 1: Class filter (low eight bits) ","description":"\n The lowest eight bits of the class filter that defines the events that should trigger the action of thsi decision matrix row.\\n\n Bit 8 of the class filter is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. \t\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"76","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 1: Type mask","description":"\n\t\t\tType mask that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision matrix row.\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"77","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 1: Type filter","description":"\n\t\t\tType filter that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision matrix row.\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"78","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 1: Action","description":"\n\t\t\tThis is the action or operation that should be performed if the filtering is satisfied. Only action code 0x00 is predefined and means No-Operation. All other codes are application specific and typical application defined codes could do measurement, send predefined event etc.\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"79","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 1: Action parameter","description":"\n\t\t\tA numeric action parameter can be set and its meaning is application specific.\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"80","bgcolor":"0xE6E6E6"},"name":"Decision matrix row 2: Oaddr ","description":"\n Row 1 of decision matrix. Originating address. Set to nickname for node that should trigger action. \n Oaddr is the originating address. We are only interested in messages from the node given here. 0x00 is segment controller and 0xff is a node without a nickname. If bit 6 of flags is set oaddr will not be checked and events from all nodes will be accepted. \t\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"81","bgcolor":"0xE6E6E6"},"name":"Decision matrix row 2: flags ","description":"\n Row 1 of decision matrix. Flags. Set selection behaviour.\\n\n The enable bit can be used to disable a decion matrix row while it is edited.\\n\n The zone and use subzone bits can be activated to have a check on the zone\/subzone information of an event. That is the zone\/subzone of the machine must match the one of the event to trigger the DM row.\\n \n\t\t\t","access":"rw","bit":[{"@attributes":{"pos":"0","default":"0"},"name":"Class filter bit 8","description":"Defines the ninth bit of the class filter."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"1","default":"0"},"name":"Class mask bit 8","description":"Defines the ninth bit of the class mask."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"2","default":"false"},"name":"Reserved bit","description":"This bit is not used."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"3","default":"false"},"name":"Subzone match","description":"If set to one subzone should be matched to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"4","default":"false"},"name":"Zone match","description":"If set to one zone should be matched to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"5","default":"false"},"name":"Hardcoded","description":"If set to one the originating address should be hardcoded to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"6","default":"false"},"name":"Check Originating address","description":"If set to one the originating address should be checked and match to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"7","default":"false"},"name":"Enable","description":"Enable (1) or disable (0)the decison matrix row."}]},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"82","bgcolor":"0xE6E6E6"},"name":"Decision matrix row 2: Class mask (low eight bits) ","description":"\n The lowest eight bits of the class mask that defines the events that should trigger the action of thsi decision matrix row.\\n\n Bit 8 of the class mask is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. \t\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"83","bgcolor":"0xE6E6E6"},"name":"Decision matrix row 2: Class filter (low eight bits) ","description":"\n The lowest eight bits of the class filter that defines the events that should trigger the action of thsi decision matrix row.\\n\n Bit 8 of the class filter is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. \t\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"84","bgcolor":"0xE6E6E6"},"name":"Decision matrix row 2: Type mask","description":"\n\t\t\tType mask that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision matrix row.\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"85","bgcolor":"0xE6E6E6"},"name":"Decision matrix row 2: Type filter","description":"\n\t\t\tType filter that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision matrix row.\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"86","bgcolor":"0xE6E6E6"},"name":"Decision matrix row 2: Action","description":"\n\t\t\tThis is the action or operation that should be performed if the filtering is satisfied. Only action code 0x00 is predefined and means No-Operation. All other codes are application specific and typical application defined codes could do measurement, send predefined event etc.\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"87","bgcolor":"0xE6E6E6"},"name":"Decision matrix row 2: Action parameter","description":"\n\t\t\tA numeric action parameter can be set and its meaning is application specific.\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"88","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 3: Oaddr ","description":"\n Row 1 of decision matrix. Originating address. Set to nickname for node that should trigger action. \n Oaddr is the originating address. We are only interested in messages from the node given here. 0x00 is segment controller and 0xff is a node without a nickname. If bit 6 of flags is set oaddr will not be checked and events from all nodes will be accepted. \t\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"89","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 3: flags ","description":"\n Row 1 of decision matrix. Flags. Set selection behaviour.\\n\n The enable bit can be used to disable a decion matrix row while it is edited.\\n\n The zone and use subzone bits can be activated to have a check on the zone\/subzone information of an event. That is the zone\/subzone of the machine must match the one of the event to trigger the DM row.\\n \n\t\t\t","access":"rw","bit":[{"@attributes":{"pos":"0","default":"0"},"name":"Class filter bit 8","description":"Defines the ninth bit of the class filter."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"1","default":"0"},"name":"Class mask bit 8","description":"Defines the ninth bit of the class mask."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"2","default":"false"},"name":"Reserved bit","description":"This bit is not used."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"3","default":"false"},"name":"Subzone match","description":"If set to one subzone should be matched to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"4","default":"false"},"name":"Zone match","description":"If set to one zone should be matched to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"5","default":"false"},"name":"Hardcoded","description":"If set to one the originating address should be hardcoded to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"6","default":"false"},"name":"Check Originating address","description":"If set to one the originating address should be checked and match to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"7","default":"false"},"name":"Enable","description":"Enable (1) or disable (0)the decison matrix row."}]},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"90","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 3: Class mask (low eight bits) ","description":"\n The lowest eight bits of the class mask that defines the events that should trigger the action of thsi decision matrix row.\\n\n Bit 8 of the class mask is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. \t\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"91","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 3: Class filter (low eight bits) ","description":"\n The lowest eight bits of the class filter that defines the events that should trigger the action of thsi decision matrix row.\\n\n Bit 8 of the class filter is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. \t\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"92","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 3: Type mask","description":"\n\t\t\tType mask that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision matrix row.\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"93","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 3: Type filter","description":"\n\t\t\tType filter that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision matrix row.\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"94","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 3: Action","description":"\n\t\t\tThis is the action or operation that should be performed if the filtering is satisfied. Only action code 0x00 is predefined and means No-Operation. All other codes are application specific and typical application defined codes could do measurement, send predefined event etc.\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"95","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 3: Action parameter","description":"\n\t\t\tA numeric action parameter can be set and its meaning is application specific.\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"96","bgcolor":"0xE6E6E6"},"name":"Decision matrix row 4: Oaddr ","description":"\n Row 1 of decision matrix. Originating address. Set to nickname for node that should trigger action. \n Oaddr is the originating address. We are only interested in messages from the node given here. 0x00 is segment controller and 0xff is a node without a nickname. If bit 6 of flags is set oaddr will not be checked and events from all nodes will be accepted. \t\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"97","bgcolor":"0xE6E6E6"},"name":"Decision matrix row 4: flags ","description":"\n Row 1 of decision matrix. Flags. Set selection behaviour.\\n\n The enable bit can be used to disable a decion matrix row while it is edited.\\n\n The zone and use subzone bits can be activated to have a check on the zone\/subzone information of an event. That is the zone\/subzone of the machine must match the one of the event to trigger the DM row.\\n \n\t\t\t","access":"rw","bit":[{"@attributes":{"pos":"0","default":"0"},"name":"Class filter bit 8","description":"Defines the ninth bit of the class filter."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"1","default":"0"},"name":"Class mask bit 8","description":"Defines the ninth bit of the class mask."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"2","default":"false"},"name":"Reserved bit","description":"This bit is not used."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"3","default":"false"},"name":"Subzone match","description":"If set to one subzone should be matched to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"4","default":"false"},"name":"Zone match","description":"If set to one zone should be matched to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"5","default":"false"},"name":"Hardcoded","description":"If set to one the originating address should be hardcoded to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"6","default":"false"},"name":"Check Originating address","description":"If set to one the originating address should be checked and match to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"7","default":"false"},"name":"Enable","description":"Enable (1) or disable (0)the decison matrix row."}]},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"98","bgcolor":"0xE6E6E6"},"name":"Decision matrix row 4: Class mask (low eight bits) ","description":"\n The lowest eight bits of the class mask that defines the events that should trigger the action of thsi decision matrix row.\\n\n Bit 8 of the class mask is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. \t\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"99","bgcolor":"0xE6E6E6"},"name":"Decision matrix row 4: Class filter (low eight bits) ","description":"\n The lowest eight bits of the class filter that defines the events that should trigger the action of thsi decision matrix row.\\n\n Bit 8 of the class filter is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. \t\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"100","bgcolor":"0xE6E6E6"},"name":"Decision matrix row 4: Type mask","description":"\n\t\t\tType mask that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision matrix row.\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"101","bgcolor":"0xE6E6E6"},"name":"Decision matrix row 4: Type filter","description":"\n\t\t\tType filter that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision matrix row.\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"102","bgcolor":"0xE6E6E6"},"name":"Decision matrix row 4: Action","description":"\n\t\t\tThis is the action or operation that should be performed if the filtering is satisfied. Only action code 0x00 is predefined and means No-Operation. All other codes are application specific and typical application defined codes could do measurement, send predefined event etc.\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"103","bgcolor":"0xE6E6E6"},"name":"Decision matrix row 4: Action parameter","description":"\n\t\t\tA numeric action parameter can be set and its meaning is application specific.\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"104","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 5: Oaddr ","description":"\n Row 1 of decision matrix. Originating address. Set to nickname for node that should trigger action. \n Oaddr is the originating address. We are only interested in messages from the node given here. 0x00 is segment controller and 0xff is a node without a nickname. If bit 6 of flags is set oaddr will not be checked and events from all nodes will be accepted. \t\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"105","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 5: flags ","description":"\n Row 1 of decision matrix. Flags. Set selection behaviour.\\n\n The enable bit can be used to disable a decion matrix row while it is edited.\\n\n The zone and use subzone bits can be activated to have a check on the zone\/subzone information of an event. That is the zone\/subzone of the machine must match the one of the event to trigger the DM row.\\n \n\t\t\t","access":"rw","bit":[{"@attributes":{"pos":"0","default":"0"},"name":"Class filter bit 8","description":"Defines the ninth bit of the class filter."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"1","default":"0"},"name":"Class mask bit 8","description":"Defines the ninth bit of the class mask."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"2","default":"false"},"name":"Reserved bit","description":"This bit is not used."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"3","default":"false"},"name":"Subzone match","description":"If set to one subzone should be matched to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"4","default":"false"},"name":"Zone match","description":"If set to one zone should be matched to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"5","default":"false"},"name":"Hardcoded","description":"If set to one the originating address should be hardcoded to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"6","default":"false"},"name":"Check Originating address","description":"If set to one the originating address should be checked and match to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"7","default":"false"},"name":"Enable","description":"Enable (1) or disable (0)the decison matrix row."}]},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"106","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 5: Class mask (low eight bits) ","description":"\n The lowest eight bits of the class mask that defines the events that should trigger the action of thsi decision matrix row.\\n\n Bit 8 of the class mask is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. \t\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"107","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 5: Class filter (low eight bits) ","description":"\n The lowest eight bits of the class filter that defines the events that should trigger the action of thsi decision matrix row.\\n\n Bit 8 of the class filter is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. \t\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"108","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 5: Type mask","description":"\n\t\t\tType mask that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision matrix row.\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"109","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 5: Type filter","description":"\n\t\t\tType filter that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision matrix row.\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"110","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 5: Action","description":"\n\t\t\tThis is the action or operation that should be performed if the filtering is satisfied. Only action code 0x00 is predefined and means No-Operation. All other codes are application specific and typical application defined codes could do measurement, send predefined event etc.\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"111","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 5: Action parameter","description":"\n\t\t\tA numeric action parameter can be set and its meaning is application specific.\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"112","bgcolor":"0xE6E6E6"},"name":"Decision matrix row 6: Oaddr ","description":"\n Row 1 of decision matrix. Originating address. Set to nickname for node that should trigger action. \n Oaddr is the originating address. We are only interested in messages from the node given here. 0x00 is segment controller and 0xff is a node without a nickname. If bit 6 of flags is set oaddr will not be checked and events from all nodes will be accepted. \t\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"113","bgcolor":"0xE6E6E6"},"name":"Decision matrix row 6: flags ","description":"\n Row 1 of decision matrix. Flags. Set selection behaviour.\\n\n The enable bit can be used to disable a decion matrix row while it is edited.\\n\n The zone and use subzone bits can be activated to have a check on the zone\/subzone information of an event. That is the zone\/subzone of the machine must match the one of the event to trigger the DM row.\\n \n\t\t\t","access":"rw","bit":[{"@attributes":{"pos":"0","default":"0","bgcolor":"0xE6E6E6"},"name":"Class filter bit 8","description":"Defines the ninth bit of the class filter."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"1","default":"0"},"name":"Class mask bit 8","description":"Defines the ninth bit of the class mask."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"2","default":"false"},"name":"Reserved bit","description":"This bit is not used."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"3","default":"false"},"name":"Subzone match","description":"If set to one subzone should be matched to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"4","default":"false"},"name":"Zone match","description":"If set to one zone should be matched to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"5","default":"false"},"name":"Hardcoded","description":"If set to one the originating address should be hardcoded to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"6","default":"false"},"name":"Check Originating address","description":"If set to one the originating address should be checked and match to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"7","default":"false"},"name":"Enable","description":"Enable (1) or disable (0)the decison matrix row."}]},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"114","bgcolor":"0xE6E6E6"},"name":"Decision matrix row 6: Class mask (low eight bits) ","description":"\n The lowest eight bits of the class mask that defines the events that should trigger the action of thsi decision matrix row.\\n\n Bit 8 of the class mask is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. \t\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"115","bgcolor":"0xE6E6E6"},"name":"Decision matrix row 6: Class filter (low eight bits) ","description":"\n The lowest eight bits of the class filter that defines the events that should trigger the action of thsi decision matrix row.\\n\n Bit 8 of the class filter is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. \t\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"116","bgcolor":"0xE6E6E6"},"name":"Decision matrix row 6: Type mask","description":"\n\t\t\tType mask that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision matrix row.\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"117","bgcolor":"0xE6E6E6"},"name":"Decision matrix row 6: Type filter","description":"\n\t\t\tType filter that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision matrix row.\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"118","bgcolor":"0xE6E6E6"},"name":"Decision matrix row 6: Action","description":"\n\t\t\tThis is the action or operation that should be performed if the filtering is satisfied. Only action code 0x00 is predefined and means No-Operation. All other codes are application specific and typical application defined codes could do measurement, send predefined event etc.\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"119","bgcolor":"0xE6E6E6"},"name":"Decision matrix row 6: Action parameter","description":"\n\t\t\tA numeric action parameter can be set and its meaning is application specific.\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"120","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 7: Oaddr ","description":"\n Row 1 of decision matrix. Originating address. Set to nickname for node that should trigger action. \n Oaddr is the originating address. We are only interested in messages from the node given here. 0x00 is segment controller and 0xff is a node without a nickname. If bit 6 of flags is set oaddr will not be checked and events from all nodes will be accepted. \t\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"121","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 7: flags ","description":"\n Row 1 of decision matrix. Flags. Set selection behaviour.\\n\n The enable bit can be used to disable a decion matrix row while it is edited.\\n\n The zone and use subzone bits can be activated to have a check on the zone\/subzone information of an event. That is the zone\/subzone of the machine must match the one of the event to trigger the DM row.\\n \n\t\t\t","access":"rw","bit":[{"@attributes":{"pos":"0","default":"0"},"name":"Class filter bit 8","description":"Defines the ninth bit of the class filter."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"1","default":"0"},"name":"Class mask bit 8","description":"Defines the ninth bit of the class mask."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"2","default":"false"},"name":"Reserved bit","description":"This bit is not used."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"3","default":"false"},"name":"Subzone match","description":"If set to one subzone should be matched to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"4","default":"false"},"name":"Zone match","description":"If set to one zone should be matched to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"5","default":"false"},"name":"Hardcoded","description":"If set to one the originating address should be hardcoded to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"6","default":"false"},"name":"Check Originating address","description":"If set to one the originating address should be checked and match to trigger DM entry action."},{"@attributes":{"pos":"7","default":"false"},"name":"Enable","description":"Enable (1) or disable (0)the decison matrix row."}]},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"122","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 7: Class mask (low eight bits) ","description":"\n The lowest eight bits of the class mask that defines the events that should trigger the action of thsi decision matrix row.\\n\n Bit 8 of the class mask is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. \t\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"123","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 7: Class filter (low eight bits) ","description":"\n The lowest eight bits of the class filter that defines the events that should trigger the action of thsi decision matrix row.\\n\n Bit 8 of the class filter is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. \t\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"124","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 7: Type mask","description":"\n\t\t\tType mask that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision matrix row.\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"125","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 7: Type filter","description":"\n\t\t\tType filter that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision matrix row.\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"126","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 7: Action","description":"\n\t\t\tThis is the action or operation that should be performed if the filtering is satisfied. Only action code 0x00 is predefined and means No-Operation. All other codes are application specific and typical application defined codes could do measurement, send predefined event etc.\t\t\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"127","bgcolor":"0xCCCCCC"},"name":"Decision matrix row 7: Action parameter","description":"\n\t\t\tA numeric action parameter can be set and its meaning is application specific.\n\t\t\t","access":"rw"}],"comment":[{},{},{},{},{},{},{}]},"abstractions":{"abstraction":[{"@attributes":{"type":"short","default":"0","page":"0","offset":"18","bgcolor":"0xCCFFFF"},"name":"Relay pulse time register for relay 0","description":"\n This is the pulse time for the each relay expressed in seconds. \n This can be used to have a relay turn on and off with a certain \n preset interval. The min pulse time is 1 second and the max time \n is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero (default) \n for no pulse time i.e. the relay will be steady on\/off.\\n\\n\n To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this \n register and then write 2 to the relay status register to start \n the output. The pulse train is terminated by writing on or off \n (1 or 0) to the relay status register.\\n\n \t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"type":"short","default":"0","page":"0","offset":"20","bgcolor":"0xCCFFFF"},"name":"Relay pulse time register for relay 1","description":"\n This is the pulse time for the each relay expressed in seconds. \n This can be used to have a relay turn on and off with a certain \n preset interval. The min pulse time is 1 second and the max time \n is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero (default) \n for no pulse time i.e. the relay will be steady on\/off.\\n\\n\n To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this \n register and then write 2 to the relay status register to start \n the output. The pulse train is terminated by writing on or off \n (1 or 0) to the relay status register.\\n\n \t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"type":"short","default":"0","page":"0","offset":"22","bgcolor":"0xCCFFFF"},"name":"Relay pulse time register for relay 2","description":"\n This is the pulse time for the each relay expressed in seconds. \n This can be used to have a relay turn on and off with a certain \n preset interval. The min pulse time is 1 second and the max time \n is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero (default) \n for no pulse time i.e. the relay will be steady on\/off.\\n\\n\n To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this \n register and then write 2 to the relay status register to start \n the output. The pulse train is terminated by writing on or off \n (1 or 0) to the relay status register.\\n\n \t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"type":"short","default":"0","page":"0","offset":"24","bgcolor":"0xCCFFFF"},"name":"Relay pulse time register for relay 3","description":"\n This is the pulse time for the each relay expressed in seconds. \n This can be used to have a relay turn on and off with a certain \n preset interval. The min pulse time is 1 second and the max time \n is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero (default) \n for no pulse time i.e. the relay will be steady on\/off.\\n\\n\n To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this \n register and then write 2 to the relay status register to start \n the output. The pulse train is terminated by writing on or off \n (1 or 0) to the relay status register.\\n\n \t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"type":"short","default":"0","page":"0","offset":"26","bgcolor":"0xCCFFFF"},"name":"Relay pulse time register for relay 4","description":"\n This is the pulse time for the each relay expressed in seconds. \n This can be used to have a relay turn on and off with a certain \n preset interval. The min pulse time is 1 second and the max time \n is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero (default) \n for no pulse time i.e. the relay will be steady on\/off.\\n\\n\n To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this \n register and then write 2 to the relay status register to start \n the output. The pulse train is terminated by writing on or off \n (1 or 0) to the relay status register.\\n\n \t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"type":"short","default":"0","page":"0","offset":"28","bgcolor":"0xCCFFFF"},"name":"Relay pulse time register for relay 5","description":"\n This is the pulse time for the each relay expressed in seconds. \n This can be used to have a relay turn on and off with a certain \n preset interval. The min pulse time is 1 second and the max time \n is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero (default) \n for no pulse time i.e. the relay will be steady on\/off.\\n\\n\n To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this \n register and then write 2 to the relay status register to start \n the output. The pulse train is terminated by writing on or off \n (1 or 0) to the relay status register.\\n\n \t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"type":"short","default":"0","page":"0","offset":"30","bgcolor":"0xCCFFFF"},"name":"Relay pulse time register for relay 6","description":"\n This is the pulse time for the each relay expressed in seconds. \n This can be used to have a relay turn on and off with a certain \n preset interval. The min pulse time is 1 second and the max time \n is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero (default) \n for no pulse time i.e. the relay will be steady on\/off.\\n\\n\n To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this \n register and then write 2 to the relay status register to start \n the output. The pulse train is terminated by writing on or off \n (1 or 0) to the relay status register.\\n\n \t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"type":"short","default":"0","page":"0","offset":"34","bgcolor":"0xCCCCFF"},"name":"Relay protection time register relay 0","description":"\n This is the relay protection time. A relay will be inactivated if \n not written to before this time has elapsed.\\n\\n\n Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds \n which is about 18 hours.\\n\\n\n The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature \n to ensure that an output is deactivated after a preset time even \n if the controlling device failed to deactivate the relay.\\n \n \t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"type":"short","default":"0","page":"0","offset":"36","bgcolor":"0xCCCCFF"},"name":"Relay protection time register relay 1","description":"\n This is the relay protection time. A relay will be inactivated if \n not written to before this time has elapsed.\\n\\n\n Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds \n which is about 18 hours.\\n\\n\n The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature \n to ensure that an output is deactivated after a preset time even \n if the controlling device failed to deactivate the relay.\\n \n \t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"type":"short","default":"0","page":"0","offset":"38","bgcolor":"0xCCCCFF"},"name":"Relay protection time register relay 2","description":"\n This is the relay protection time. A relay will be inactivated if \n not written to before this time has elapsed.\\n\\n\n Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds \n which is about 18 hours.\\n\\n\n The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature \n to ensure that an output is deactivated after a preset time even \n if the controlling device failed to deactivate the relay.\\n\n \t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"type":"short","default":"0","page":"0","offset":"40","bgcolor":"0xCCCCFF"},"name":"Relay protection time register relay 3","description":"\n This is the relay protection time. A relay will be inactivated if \n not written to before this time has elapsed.\\n\\n\n Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds \n which is about 18 hours.\\n\\n\n The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature \n to ensure that an output is deactivated after a preset time even \n if the controlling device failed to deactivate the relay.\\n\n \t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"type":"short","default":"0","page":"0","offset":"42","bgcolor":"0xCCCCFF"},"name":"Relay protection time register relay 4","description":"\n This is the relay protection time. A relay will be inactivated if \n not written to before this time has elapsed.\\n\\n \n Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds \n which is about 18 hours.\\n\\n\n The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature \n to ensure that an output is deactivated after a preset time even \n if the controlling device failed to deactivate the relay.\\n\n \t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"type":"short","default":"0","page":"0","offset":"44","bgcolor":"0xCCCCFF"},"name":"Relay protection time register relay 5","description":"\n This is the relay protection time. A relay will be inactivated if \n not written to before this time has elapsed.\\n\\n\n Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds \n which is about 18 hours.\\n\\n\n The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature \n to ensure that an output is deactivated after a preset time even \n if the controlling device failed to deactivate the relay.\\n\n \t","access":"rw"},{"@attributes":{"type":"short","default":"0","page":"0","offset":"46","bgcolor":"0xCCCCFF"},"name":"Relay protection time register relay 6","description":"\n This is the relay protection time. A relay will be inactivated if \n not written to before this time has elapsed.\\n\\n\n Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds \n which is about 18 hours.\\n\\n\n The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature \n to ensure that an output is deactivated after a preset time even \n if the controlling device failed to deactivate the relay.\\n\n \t","access":"rw"}]},"alarm":{"bit":[{"@attributes":{"pos":"7"},"name":"Protection timer relay 8","description":"\n When the protection timer for the relay is triggering a relay \n action this bit is set.\n \t"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"6"},"name":"Protection timer relay 7","description":"\n When the protection timer for the relay is triggering a relay \n action this bit is set.\n \t"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"5"},"name":"Protection timer relay 6","description":"\n When the protection timer for the relay is triggering a relay \n action this bit is set.\n \t"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"4"},"name":"Protection timer relay 5","description":"\n When the protection timer for the relay is triggering a relay \n action this bit is set.\n \t"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"3"},"name":"Protection timer relay 4","description":"\n When the protection timer for the relay is triggering a relay \n action this bit is set.\n \t"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"2"},"name":"Protection timer relay 3","description":"\n When the protection timer for the relay is triggering a relay \n action this bit is set.\n \t"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"1"},"name":"Protection timer relay 2","description":"\n When the protection timer for the relay is triggering a relay \n action this bit is set.\n \t"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"0"},"name":"Protection timer relay 1","description":"\n When the protection timer for the relay is triggering a relay \n action this bit is set.\n \t"}]},"dmatrix":{"level":"1","start":{"@attributes":{"page":"0","offset":"72"}},"rowcnt":"7","action":[{"@attributes":{"code":"0x01"},"name":"Activate relay(s)","description":"\n Activate relay(s) given by argument. The argument is a bit \n array where bit 0 is relay 1 and so on.\\n\\n\n Byte 1 is Zone and byte 2 is zone page and must be equal \n to register content to trigger action.\\n \t\n \t","param":{"name":"Bitarry for relay","description":"\n A bitarray where the first bit represents relay one and \n so on.\t \t \n \t ","bit":[{"@attributes":{"pos":"0","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 0","description":"Set to one to select relay 0"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"1","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 1","description":"Set to one to select relay 1"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"2","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 2","description":"Set to one to select relay 2"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"3","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 3","description":"Set to one to select relay 3"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"4","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 4","description":"Set to one to select relay 4"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"5","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 5","description":"Set to one to select relay 5"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"6","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 6","description":"Set to one to select relay 6"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"7","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 7","description":"Set to one to select relay 7"}]}},{"@attributes":{"code":"0x02"},"name":"Deactivate relay(s)","description":"\n Deactivate relay(s) given by argument. The argument is a bit array where bit 0 is relay 1 and so on.\\n \n Byte 1 is Zone and byte 2 is zone page and must be equal to register content to trigger action.\\n \t\n \t","param":{"name":"Bitarry for relay","description":"\n\t\t\t\tA bitarray where the first bit represents relay one and so on.\t \t \n \t ","bit":[{"@attributes":{"pos":"0","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 0","description":"Set to one to select relay 0"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"1","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 1","description":"Set to one to select relay 1"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"2","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 2","description":"Set to one to select relay 2"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"3","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 3","description":"Set to one to select relay 3"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"4","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 4","description":"Set to one to select relay 4"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"5","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 5","description":"Set to one to select relay 5"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"6","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 6","description":"Set to one to select relay 6"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"7","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 7","description":"Set to one to select relay 7"}]}},{"@attributes":{"code":"0x03"},"name":"Pulse relay(s)","description":"\n Pulse relay(s) given by argument. The argument is a bit array \n where bit 0 is relay 1 and so on.\\n\\n \n Byte 1 is Zone and byte 2 is zone page and must be equal to \n register content to trigger action.\\n \t\n \t","param":{"name":"Bitarry for relay","description":"\n A bitarray where the first bit represents relay one and \n so on.\t \t \n \t ","bit":[{"@attributes":{"pos":"0","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 0","description":"Set to one to select relay 0"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"1","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 1","description":"Set to one to select relay 1"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"2","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 2","description":"Set to one to select relay 2"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"3","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 3","description":"Set to one to select relay 3"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"4","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 4","description":"Set to one to select relay 4"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"5","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 5","description":"Set to one to select relay 5"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"6","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 6","description":"Set to one to select relay 6"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"7","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 7","description":"Set to one to select relay 7"}]}},{"@attributes":{"code":"0x04"},"name":"Toggle relay(s)","description":"\n Toggle relay(s) given by argument. The argument is a bit array \n where bit 0 is relay 1 and so on.\\n\\n\n Byte 1 is Zone and byte 2 is zone page and must be equal to \n register content to trigger action.\\n \t\n \t","param":{"name":"Bitarry for relay","description":"\n A bitarray where the first bit represents relay one and so on.\t \t \n \t ","bit":[{"@attributes":{"pos":"0","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 0","description":"Set to one to select relay 0"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"1","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 1","description":"Set to one to select relay 1"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"2","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 2","description":"Set to one to select relay 2"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"3","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 3","description":"Set to one to select relay 3"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"4","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 4","description":"Set to one to select relay 4"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"5","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 5","description":"Set to one to select relay 5"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"6","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 6","description":"Set to one to select relay 6"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"7","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 7","description":"Set to one to select relay 7"}]}},{"@attributes":{"code":"0x0A"},"name":"Send status for relay(s)","description":"\n Send status for relay(s) given by argument. The argument is a \n bit array where bit 0 is relay 1 and so on.\\n\\n \n Byte 1 is Zone and byte 2 is zone page and must be equal to \n register content to trigger action.\\n \t\n \t","param":{"name":"Bitarry for relay","description":"\n A bitarray where the first bit represents relay one and so on.\t \t \n \t ","bit":[{"@attributes":{"pos":"0","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 0","description":"Set to one to select relay 0"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"1","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 1","description":"Set to one to select relay 1"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"2","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 2","description":"Set to one to select relay 2"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"3","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 3","description":"Set to one to select relay 3"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"4","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 4","description":"Set to one to select relay 4"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"5","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 5","description":"Set to one to select relay 5"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"6","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 6","description":"Set to one to select relay 6"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"7","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 7","description":"Set to one to select relay 7"}]}},{"@attributes":{"code":"0x10"},"name":"Disable relay(s)","description":"\n Disable relay(s) given by argument. The argument is a bit array \n where bit 0 is relay 1 and so on.\\n\\n\n Byte 1 is Zone and byte 2 is zone page and must be equal to \n register content to trigger action.\\n \t\n \t","param":{"name":"Bitarry for relay","description":"\n A bitarray where the first bit represents relay one and so on.\t \t \n \t ","bit":[{"@attributes":{"pos":"0","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 0","description":"Set to one to select relay 0"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"1","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 1","description":"Set to one to select relay 1"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"2","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 2","description":"Set to one to select relay 2"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"3","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 3","description":"Set to one to select relay 3"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"4","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 4","description":"Set to one to select relay 4"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"5","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 5","description":"Set to one to select relay 5"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"6","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 6","description":"Set to one to select relay 6"},{"@attributes":{"pos":"7","default":"false"},"name":"Relay 7","description":"Set to one to select relay 7"}]}}]},"events":{"event":[{"@attributes":{"class":"0x014","type":"0x03"},"name":"On Event","description":"\n\t\t\tA relay has been set in its ON position. \n\t\t\t","priority":"4","data":[{"@attributes":{"offset":"0"},"name":"Index","description":"\n \t\tSet to n indicating relay n+1\n \t\t"},{"@attributes":{"offset":"1"},"name":"Zone","description":"\n \t\t Set to the zone for the module.\n \t\t"},{"@attributes":{"offset":"2"},"name":"Subzone","description":"\n Set to the subzone for the relay or if it is zero to the \n subzone for the module..\n \t\t"}]},{"@attributes":{"class":"0x014","type":"0x04"},"name":"Off Event","description":"\n\t\t\tA relay has been set in its OFF position. \n\t\t\t","priority":"4","data":[{"@attributes":{"offset":"0"},"name":"Index","description":"\n \t\tSet to n indicating relay n+1\n \t\t"},{"@attributes":{"offset":"1"},"name":"Zone","description":"\n \t\t Set to the zone for the module.\n \t\t"},{"@attributes":{"offset":"2"},"name":"Subzone","description":"\n Set to the subzone for the relay or if it is zero to the \n subzone for the module..\n \t\t"}]},{"@attributes":{"class":"0x014","type":"0x18"},"name":"Started Event","description":"\n\t\t\tA relay has been set in its ON position. \n\t\t\t","priority":"4","data":[{"@attributes":{"offset":"0"},"name":"Index","description":"\n \t\tSet to n indicating relay n+1\n \t\t"},{"@attributes":{"offset":"1"},"name":"Zone","description":"\n \t\t Set to the zone for the module.\n \t\t"},{"@attributes":{"offset":"2"},"name":"Subzone","description":"\n Set to the subzone for the relay or if it is zero to the \n subzone for the module..\n \t\t"}]},{"@attributes":{"class":"0x014","type":"0x19"},"name":"Stopped Event","description":"\n\t\t\tA relay has been set in its ON position. \n\t\t\t","priority":"4","data":[{"@attributes":{"offset":"0"},"name":"Index","description":"\n \t\tSet to n indicating relay n+1\n \t\t"},{"@attributes":{"offset":"1"},"name":"Zone","description":"\n \t\t Set to the zone for the module.\n \t\t"},{"@attributes":{"offset":"2"},"name":"Subzone","description":"\n Set to the subzone for the relay or if it is zero to the \n subzone for the module..\n \t\t"}]}]}}}